We establish the finishing touches on our crew-- their goals, reputation, special abilities, and lair. Then we drop them into their first score- a simple job involving lifting a box of seeds & vegetative materials from the Drylander occupational forces and delivering them to the Bayou Biohackers. But, of course, nothing is quite that easy...
We used the City Builder Toolkit https://bit.ly/4goY0eZ
and the Faction Builder Toolkit https://bit.ly/42ywRD4 to build the setting.
This is part of Open Hearth Gaming Community, you can find out more at openhearthgaming.com
Our audio version of these episodes can be found here: https://playingatthehearth.openhearthgaming.com/
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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp8QS7PpUug
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