The crew and passengers of The Endymion are halted in their journey as there are difficulties Above, and possibly those Below, affecting their passage through Dreamspace. This is an actual-play of Dreamspace, a surreal alternate setting in Hillfolk, a tabletop roleplaying game, using hacked DramaSystem mechanics, done as a two-shot.
[I read it as Dream*scape* when I first saw it, so the title has been interchangeable in my head ever since. --mads]
Dreamspace is written by Keith Baker. Hillfolk, with Dreamspace and other alternate scenarios, is available through Pelgrane Press:
Captain Gordon, former Head Engineer - Gareth
Emma Thomas, a religious passenger - Mona
Dr. Emily Wells, designer of The Endymion - Rod S
FETCH, a Dream AI and ship go-fer - David MK
Game Moderator (GM) - Madelancholy
Played with the Gauntlet/Open Hearth Gaming community
Recorded June 25, 2022
Original video:
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