The morning of the shoot at Mathers Hall opens with a missing guest that few comment on. Paired up with fellow guests, the magicians learn more about their personalities and agendas. Richard skips the hunt, instead learning more about the origin of the mysterious Pascale Dumont. The investigation continues, with the good Doctor turning the tables on their host by admitting in private to the murder of Lord Bradbury. But then Lord Portmore's associate vanishes and there's an attempt on Verity Dyce's life which goes awry.
This is a session of an ongoing Trail of Cthulhu quarterly of Pelgrane Press's campaign framework, Fearful Symmetries-- a game of warring magicians, sinister folkways, and William Blake. Touchstones for this include The Devil Rides Out, Children of the Stones, The Owl Service, From Hell, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, and The Awakening
"The Secret War is coming to England. And you are the warriors."
This session is part of the Open Hearth Gaming Calendar. For more see
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For more on the Fearful Symmetries campaign, see
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