We begin with a little bit of series set up: figuring out our character's base and its surroundings. We then move into the first cycle of play: the first obligation phase followed by the first set of downtime actions. We get a sense of the pressures on our protagonists and their web of interactions.
You can pick up the playset here: https://bit.ly/Girl_by_Moonlight_DUXS
This is part of Open Hearth Gaming Community, you can find out more at openhearthgaming.com
Our audio version of these episodes can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjJpOWZQZGg2cGt5WWExbHVTQzFZUXg0WXp6UXxBQ3Jtc0tsVHVOelpxSXA5ZENjYnBIeS1WQ3hKUG1GQ2ZGeXM5M3Z5OXBwRXFqSFVZWl9oS0dIejlIUkFVb2VIcHBIeEFyRGFQTjJrelB1TFNsVjk4RFh0ZDgwU3Jxcl9KcEEyY1lDX1ZoUUUzM21kY2YwNVM0MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fplayingatthehearth.openhearthgaming.com%2F&v=LXsysJ0aMDA
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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWb1l_DkWI4
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