When Bao Shi is kidnapped, our heroes must venture into the den of villainy which is Bad Valley. But there they discover untold truths about these bandits and killers. The agree to aid in uncovering the truth behind the death of the valley's leader. But before they can act further, another murder happens, setting the stage for more violence and death.
You can pick up Hearts of Wulin and the Numberless Secrets supplement here: https://age-of-ravens-games.itch.io/
This is part of Open Hearth Gaming Community, you can find out more at openhearthgaming.com
Our audio version of these episodes can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjJpOWZQZGg2cGt5WWExbHVTQzFZUXg0WXp6UXxBQ3Jtc0tsVHVOelpxSXA5ZENjYnBIeS1WQ3hKUG1GQ2ZGeXM5M3Z5OXBwRXFqSFVZWl9oS0dIejlIUkFVb2VIcHBIeEFyRGFQTjJrelB1TFNsVjk4RFh0ZDgwU3Jxcl9KcEEyY1lDX1ZoUUUzM21kY2YwNVM0MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fplayingatthehearth.openhearthgaming.com%2F&v=LXsysJ0aMDA
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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qh6u7Qbr4A
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