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Hearts of Wulin: Numberless Secrets: Legend of Bad Valley Ep 2 Episode

Hearts of Wulin: Numberless Secrets: Legend of Bad Valley Ep 2

· 02:04:59

When the head of the Qaio family murdered, the heroes realize their investigation has triggered someone or maybe several someones. While Song Da "sneaks" away to consult with one of his Historian Bureau colleagues, Bao Shi studies the body and Lost Song Zhenai makes allies among the locals. Chao Lin follows Song and in turn sees that the historian has been followed-- by another member of the Jun family, poisoners the group has crossed paths with several times...

You can pick up Hearts of Wulin and the Numberless Secrets supplement here: https://age-of-ravens-games.itch.io/

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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8aUx5hLjRw ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★


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