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SWS: Stellar Conflict - Tapani 05 Episode

SWS: Stellar Conflict - Tapani 05

· 02:21:00

Step into the era of the New Republic, where the Empire may be defeated, but its remnants still lurk in the shadows, and the galaxy is far from at peace. You and your crew are about to embark on a high-stakes journey through the Tapani Sector - a system where the gilded halls of noble houses clash with the gritty starports full of rogues, smugglers, and daring pilots. This is a place of glamour and deception, where every handshake hides a dagger and every smile could spell betrayal.

As crew members on a modest but dependable transport ship, you’re tasked with keeping your wits about you while navigating these treacherous waters. With Imperial patrols on high alert, noble houses pulling strings for political gain, and backroom deals driving every decision, each job comes with risk and the promise of credits - if you can pull it off.

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iH_VZxy1Gs ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★


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