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Uncharted Stars - The Cluster (Session 1) Episode

Uncharted Stars - The Cluster (Session 1)

· 01:47:06

Alun R facilitates a session of 'Uncharted Stars', his hack that brings together aspects of Uncharted Worlds (by Sean Gomes), Starforged (by Shawn Tomkin), and Rust Hulks (by Sam Sorensen) ...
This session was organsied as part of The Open Hearth Gaming Community (https://openhearthgaming.com/ RPG) using our Gaming Calendar (https://app.playabl.io/communities/th...).
Come join us (https://www.patreon.com/openhearthgam...) ...
We meet Dr Paxt Bransom a smuggler and heretic from the techno-priest oligarchs of the Ceti Rho system; Bryzantimus 'Bryz' Sho born into wealth and influence in the Cadence system, but infected by an empathy virus telling him to 'Kill the Rich!'; Jord, resistance leader from the slave pens of Cancri-9, guilty at leaving; and Pleasant Ghuzan, whistle-blower and advocate for under-dogs across the Cluster.
Emerging from the Ring Gate into the Xolia system they receive a frightened mayday from the local Hub Slipstream Authority refueling station. There's initial over-confidence, then a steadier hand, and a good plan, before ... power armour, bullets and an appeal to common sense save the day.

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftwFWdJh0oA ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★


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