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The Lovely Somnolent, a Rooted in Trophy one-shot for Shared Hearth Episode

The Lovely Somnolent, a Rooted in Trophy one-shot for Shared Hearth

· 02:44:45

The offer is simple: break the curse, awaken the princess, gain a kingdom. Are you worthy enough to brave the briar-choked castle and its dangers to succeed? Or will you fall to the curse and join the rest forever trapped on its grounds?

The Lovely Somnolent is a Rooted in Trophy incursion written by Mads Turley. An ashcan one-shot version will soon be available on itch.io.
Trophy Dark by Jesse Ross is a tabletop roleplaying game about doomed treasure-seekers entering haunted spaces in the world. https://trophyrpg.com/
This game was played during the Shared Hearth Open Gaming Weekend, with members of the Open Hearth Gaming Community. Safety tools were available, as well as playing under the Open Hearth Community Code of Conduct. https://tinyurl.com/2tdfhy75

The Lancer, Fion (Betrothed) - Sabine V
The Poet, Teodan (Page) - Will S
The Blacksmith, Vero (Bodyguard) - Casey T
The Keeper - Madelancholy

Recorded September 8, 2024

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB27SK0heL8 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★


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