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Uncharted Stars - The Cluster (Session 4) Episode

Uncharted Stars - The Cluster (Session 4)

· 02:14:28

Alun R facilitates the 4th session of a series of 'Uncharted Stars', his hack that brings together aspects of Uncharted Worlds (by Sean Gomes), Starforged (by Shawn Tomkin), and Rust Hulks (by Sam Sorensen) ...
This session was organsied as part of The Open Hearth Gaming Community (https://openhearthgaming.com/ RPG) using our Gaming Calendar (https://app.playabl.io/communities/th...).
Come join us (https://www.patreon.com/openhearthgam...) ...
The battered Chimera arrives at its destination with Paxt in isolation while Jort has locked himself in Engineering as a precaution against infection. Pleasant contacts an IBD Rep who might have access to sophisticated diagnostic tools while Bryz looks for some low profile work to keep the ship flying. Then there's a Fiennes Logistics ship ... and ... both corporate and class complications that leave them hoping Jort will agree to unseal the Engineering Section ...

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM-QcmNez5E ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★


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